"What Opening Day Means to Me" by Brittany French

By Brittany French- CEO of Pass it On, Outdoor Mentors

Opening Day is deeply personal and can encompass a range of emotions and experiences. There is a sweet serenity in the outdoors. The kind where you find God in peace in the historic trees, the dancing prairie grass, dense plum thickets, and the warmth of the sun upon waking the world. That serenity is priceless and sets the tone for another season outdoors. Outside of this serenity, there are two things that I look forward to as opening day approaches. Connecting to nature and sharing tradition and ritual.

Extended periods of time in the outdoors leads to connecting with nature in a profound way. This day symbolizes an appreciation for the natural world, the thrill of tracking animals, and the opportunity to immerse in the wilderness. It’s a welcomed break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is an escape from the demands of work, technology, and provides a platform for solitude and reflection.

The tradition of opening day creates an anticipation like no other. In my family, it is a time-honored tradition that has been passed down through generations. Even though opening day looks different from year to year, it is a chance to connect with family ancestors and honor the cultural history of those who came before you while building a legacy for those coming behind us. To me, that is a priceless moment in time that is cherished.

For me, opening day is a symbol of the goodness in this world. It is an opportunity to sit in the beauty that the good Lord has provided us. It is an opportunity to root ourselves in practices that feed our soul, and it is an opportunity to share those moments with someone else.