Steph Lane Reflects on a Successful First Year in Iowa

This September marks one year as the Iowa Program Coordinator with Pass it on, Outdoor Mentors. I couldn’t be more proud of how the first year has gone and more excited about what’s to come!  

Geese, Pheasant, Raccoons and more! We have already had 51 fishing and hunting events with 80 more planned and even more in the works for the remainder of the year. These opportunities would simply not be possible without the growing support we see here in Iowa month after month from mentors, land owners, and other supporters. Although these numbers are incredible, we faced and will face, many challenges to continue to grow and provide more opportunities for Iowa’s Youth. 

We need Mentors!

I did a little research and asked around. And when I asked folks, “what is one of the biggest barriers to getting into hunting?” A very common response was, “someone to go with or teach me!” We need good people who are willing to pass on their knowledge and their time. Even one hunt with one kiddo makes a difference. If you are interested in mentoring or are curious, please take a look at our site. I have personally mentored over a dozen youth this year myself, and it has been very rewarding and has made me a better hunter. 

Land Access

Land is precious. Whether public or private access, every bit helps. Did you know that only 2.8% of Iowa’s land is public? And our ditches are 50% of that public land. We have great public resources here in Iowa but depending on what part of the State you are in, it can be pretty limited hunting on public land alone. Private land permission could be a big help giving mentors and youth more options to get outdoors and out hunting! 

We are new here. 

Did you know Outdoor Mentors originally started in Kansas and have now been around and supporting youth for 20 years?! How cool is that?  We are still a very new program for the State of Iowa and with time and spreading the word we will continue to see growth and more support throughout the state! Simply helping us spread the word will make a huge difference and impact. 

When I first heard about this program and the opportunity, I was so excited to take the leap! And I am so glad that I did. This past year has brought me so much joy and fulfillment. Iowa is my home and  is a beautiful and precious place and as an avid woodsman, it means a great deal to me to be able to partner with other outdoor enthusiasts to get our youth outdoors! 

Thank you to everyone who has had a hand in making this all possible and taking your time and resources to pass it on!