This event is being hosted by Brian Garrels of Duck's Unlimited, Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors, Inc, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. All youth must be hunter education certified.
DATE: September 25th-26th
LOCATION: Palo Alto County please contact Brian Garrels if further logistics are needed. Contact Brian at or (712) 298-0882.
AGE OF YOUTH: 11 years or age- 18 years of age
LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Hunter Education Certificate, Migratory Bird Fee, and Federal Duck Stamp
WHAT TO EXPECT: This is a Canada Goose Hunt. Upon arrival, volunteer mentors will lead introductions, lead a safety talk, discuss the plans of the hunt, and answer any questions youth hunters might have.
All participants must have their Hunter Education Certificate!
Bring Your Firearm and Ammo -Please let us know if you do not have one.
Dress Accordingly To Weather
Hunting License + Permit(s) Needed. For youth who are 16 years of age and older, you must purchase a hunting license. Youth under the age of 16 do not have to purchase a hunting license.